Tuesday 18 March 2014

Is Shake n Vac Safe for Pets?

Is it Safe?
It seems there is strong evidence that shake n vac has caused problems for many pet owners. Just searching the internet, it is clear that many vets have advised owners not to use shake n vac.

"Shake n vac killed my cat
It can cause pets to get skin allergies, sneezing fits or even cause death. Indeed, even one of my own customers was told by her vet that shake n vac killed her cat. Some pet owners on the internet say they have used it without problems, so long as you follow the instructions properly. Keep the pets out of the room, until you have at least vacuumed twice. Personally I wouldn't take the risk.

"Shake n vac killed my vacuum cleaner"
The other problem is that it can kill vacuum cleaners. The dust is so fine that it passed through the bag and clogs up the vacuum motor.

"I find the concept of shake n vac quite ridiculous"
Personally I find the whole concept of shake n vac quite ridiculous. You are putting even more dust into your living environment, 90% of which you are immediately going to hoover up and throw away. It's like going to the supermarket to buy a tin of waste product to put straight into your dustbin. Why would you?

Why do you vacuum a carpet? Easy, to get rid of the dust. So why would you want to introduce extra dust into your carpet?

"How should I get rid of pet smells from my carpet?"
The only real way to rid a carpet of pet odour is a proper wet clean using a hot water extraction machine using a liquid deodoriser to kill the bacteria.

If you want your room to smell nice, get an air freshener.